Budget File Maintenance and Inquiry (RBD 3)

This option allows you to inquire into and maintain your budget templates. Also included is the ability to export and/or import budget information out of or into the Budget File from a spreadsheet.

Using these features, a Sales Manager can export last years budget or actual sales information from the Budget File into a spreadsheet on a PC. This gives him and the sales force a template, into which a new budget may be keyed.

This template can then be sent out as needed. When the new budget information is sent back to the Sales Manager, it can be imported back into the Budget File using option 10 - Import Budget from Spreadsheet.

  1. Select option 3 - Budget File Maintenance & Inquiry on the Budget File. A listing of the available budgets appear.
  2. Select a template and press Enter. The Budget File Entry screen appears with the template values inserted.
  3. Either enter the values for the levels (BR=branch, SL =salesperson, and CU=customer), or press F6 to select an existing budgets that uses this template and automatically import the values in. The Action Code (E) is circled.
  4. If you want to export this budget onto a spreadsheet, enter an E in the Action Code field. The next screen prompts you for an email address.
  5. Enter the email address and press Enter. The budget is automatically converted into a spreadsheet and sent to the specified email address.